The type of Mom you are, based on your Zodiac sign 💜

Libras are great moms because they're so balanced and peaceful. They encourage harmony in the home and when there's discord between siblings, she's able to see each one's perspective in an argument and help the participants to find neutral ground.
Libra moms don't love having to be the disciplinarian and would rather be a friend than a parent but usually waits to be friends with her kids until they've grown up. The most important things that a Libra mom teaches her kids is how to share, how to feel compassion for others, and how to be good friends.
Aquarian moms are all about not conforming and being true to oneself. She may homeschool her kids but will make sure they have some outside classes. She'll make sure that they know the importance of helping others and that her children are aware of import issues such as global warming.
The Aquarian mom will be sure to encourage imagination and experimentation in her kids. However, she will have very little patience for meltdowns and any of kind of emotional display. She may need to be reminded that she can't assume her kids know that she loves them and that she needs to reassure them.
Pisces instill an appreciation of the arts in their children and they encourage their kids to be creative. A Pisces mom's kids will be sensitive, imaginative, and will learn to treat other people with kindness and compassion. Pisces moms will hand down a love of nature, a sense of pride in helping others, and an independent spirit.
The Pisces mom may not know how to teach their children to make their dreams a reality but they will support them the whole way as their children try to figure it out for themselves.
A Cancer mom is protective and nurturing. In fact, kids with a Cancer mom know that they're truly loved and cared for. A Cancer mom is always there to listen to her child and help them to feel better. She wants her home to be a place of love and comfort and for her kids to be able to share anything with her.

Sagittarius moms have huge hearts and want to share the world with their kids. They very likely start traveling with them at an early age. They inject a thirst for knowledge and a strong sense of independence in their children, as well a wicked sense of humor.
Sagittarians make for fun moms and she knows that childhood is brief, so she wants her kids to enjoy every moment of it. A Sagittarius mom can be impulsive — one minute she's in the carpool lane making her way to drop-off, the next she's declaring that it's a beach day instead. She may not have as many rules as many of the other moms because she wants her kids to be their own people, not a carbon copy of her.
Capricorn moms will fight to the death for their kids. They are fiercely loyal and will always stand up for them. These moms do not mess around and take their parenting very seriously. They want to instill a good work ethic in their kids and for them to have discipline and focus.
You can be sure if their kids get an allowance, they earn it by doing chores and taking care of their siblings. Capricorn moms are most often working moms and sometimes have to be reminded to take some time for themselves, and not devote every spare minute to their family.
Taurus moms are incredibly patient — so much so that they sometimes come off as saintly. But make no mistake, Taurus moms are very real and down to earth. Taurus moms can be stubborn which can lead to issues when her kids get to the teenage year. If you've ever witnessed a stand-off between a Taurus mom and her teen, you know it's not pretty.

Leo mom is the most childlike of the moms. She enjoys playing with her kids and giving them generous gifts. She can, however, be self-absorbed and may put her own needs before her children's. Is she having that expensive party because that's what her son or daughter asked for, or is she doing it because it impresses the other moms?
She deeply loves her children but can have narcissistic leanings, thinking of her children as an extension of herself. She would have no qualms flirting with her child's teacher, even if it embarrasses her kid in the process.
Whatever is broken, the Virgo mom is going to do her best to fix it, whether it's a toy or a broken heart. She has high expectations for her children and can be critical but she still loves them deeply, even when they fail her.
She's the queen of multitasking as she parents, works, volunteers, and still keeps a very clean and orderly home. She wants her kids to have discipline and to not give up when things get hard. A Virgo mom has perfectionist leanings and can ride her kids too hard if she's not careful.
Scorpio moms are scarily intuitive and often know what's going on with their child before the child does themselves. Scorpio moms are big on loyalty, honesty, and protection, and as long as her kids tell the truth and look out for others, she's good.
Watch out if you insult her children in any way or you create a problem for them, for she'll fight harder for her kids than for herself. She'll put the needs of her family above her own and will passionately defend them whenever she feels they've been threatened.
Aries moms keep the schedules of their children full of music lessons, sports, hobbies, social activities, and camps. Meanwhile, the Aries mom has a full schedule herself. She wants her children to be adventuresome and to not shy away from trying new things. She encourages them to face all challenges head-on and to fight for what they believe it.
She is occasionally blunt but almost immediately regrets it. Aries moms can be pushy with their kids and sometimes need to be able to listen and really hear what her child wants or doesn't want to do.
Gemini moms can talk about anything with their kids — they often have "the talk" very early on. Gemini moms don't have any secrets from their children. Her kids have great communication skills and are very aware of what's happening in the world around them.
One of the things that make a Gemini mom so unique is her ability to understand her kids regardless of their gender or their age. Gemini moms give the best parties and have the best play dates (because they seem like a party).