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    ZODIAC BLOG POSTS — horoscope

    This Is REALLY Who You Should Be With, According To Your Zodiac Sign

    This Is REALLY Who You Should Be With, According To Your Zodiac Sign

    Everyone has an ideal partner. We can’t help it — we’re just drawn to certain personalities, characteristics, and gestures. So when someone has these qualities or does these gestures, we can’t help but feel attraction. That’s the fun thing about dating: we can seek someone we feel a deep connection with, no matter if we’re independent or dependent.

    That’s why our zodiac signs give a peek into our dominant personalities. And these dominent personalities allow us to scope out potential partners. Astrology answers tells us exactly who we seek in our relationships and why we’re attracted to them.

    Aries (March 21 – April 19): Aries value confidence and independence. They seek equality in a relationship, so they want an equally independent and confident partner who can take care of themselves if the Aries is unable to.

    Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Taurus like to be wooed, so your seductive nature and efforts to make them feel special stands out to them. It takes time and effort to gain a Taurus’ trust, but when you do, your patience and effort will pay off because they’re some of the most loyal of lovers.

    Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Geminis are free, independent spirits who love to talk. They’re drawn to romantic and adventurous gestures, as well as the ability to listen, and match their energy and enthusiasm in a conversation.

    Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Cancers are loyal and dependable. It also takes them some time to fully trust another person. When they do, that person has their full loyalty and devotion. Their ideal partner is someone who can offer them that same loyalty, and someone they can depend on.

    Leo (July 23 – August 22): The most confident yet egotistical of the signs, Leos bask in the attention and admiration given to them. They’re attracted to one who gives them that attention and admiration that they crave, and likewise, they will give that person the same treatment.

    Virgo (August 23 – September 22): The most intelligent and analytical of the signs, Virgos seek a partner who can match their intelligence and logic. So if you can maintain a stimulating and intellectual conversation with a Virgo, you allow them to slowly come out of their shell.

    Libra (September 23 – October 22): Libras are the epitome of grace and hospitality; they love people but can also be superficial. So they look for someone who treats them with the same grace and class they show to others, maybe even a little bit more.

    Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): When it comes to love and attraction, Scorpios don’t play games. They passionately love and get extremely jealous. All they seek is a genuine person they can trust who’s also passionate about them.

    Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Although Sagittarius are extremely independent, when they decide to do something they stick to it. They rarely ever commit to a person, so when they do they seek the same exact commitment from the other person, and a little adventurous streak is a bonus.

    Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Capricorns are independent and ambitious. They seek a partner who’s equally passionate and ambitious because they’re drawn to the idea of a success. This allows the Capricorn to bask in the achievements of their partners, and vice versa.

    Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Aquarius are free spirits, probably even more so than Geminis. They love adventure and spontaneity, so they seek a partner who can take them on these spontaneous adventures.

    Pisces (February 19 – March 20): The most idealistic of the signs, Pisces are the hopeless romantics, the ones who fantasize about an ideal love story. Anyone who can fulfill these fantasies can capture their heart. 

    (Caithlin Pena)

    This Is How Every Zodiac Sign Survives Their Broken Heart

    This Is How Every Zodiac Sign Survives Their Broken Heart


    (March 21st to April 19th)

    You survive your broken heart by re-remembering how much you enjoy your own company. 

    You’ve never struggled to fall in love – it’s always been something very exciting and invigorating and non-intimidating to you. The hard part for you was always the moment when the relationship progressed from ‘thrilling and new’ to ‘steady and routine-like.’ Although this is a normal part of relationships, it’s still something you have a hard time with – you often start to miss your independence and autonomy. So, the way that you heal after a breakup is relearning how much joy you get from being by yourself. Even though you miss your partner a lot in the beginning, you’re able to heal by remembering how much you like to spend time exploring and trying new things on your own.


    (April 20th to May 21st)

    You survive your broken heart by reviving a lot of your other relationships. 

    One of your best qualities is your strong sense of love, warmth, and compassion for others. And while you are still a loyal friend and family member during your relationships, your attention does start to gravitate a lot more towards your partner. So when you’re in the middle of a bad breakup, you find a lot of strength and healing from rejuvenating some of your other relationships – taking a lengthy visit home, organizing happy hours and dinners with pals, taking vacations with your closest friends, staying in better touch with people you care about, etc. It doesn’t completely ‘fix’ you, but putting a lot of effort into your friendships and family relationships gives you a lot of replenishing energy on your tough days.


    (May 22nd to June 21st)

    You survive your broken heart by finding joy in learning to be on your own again. 

    One of your biggest struggles in relationships is your tendency to lean a little too much on your significant other when it comes to making big life decisions. You’re a bit of a waverer, in terms of your career and your life goals and where you see yourself in five or ten years. So the nice thing about being back on your own again is that you gain back a sense of self-sufficiency and focus, without losing your spirit or your lively temperament. Although it doesn’t fully soothe the sadness you feel, your blossoming sense of self-reliance is a welcome return that definitely softens the blow of your broken heart.


    (June 22nd to July 22nd)

    You survive your broken heart by leaning on people you trust and asking for help to find closure. 

    You have a tendency to cling on to things even after they are over, and learning how to ‘let go’ is a task that you are always trying to improve on. But you also have a very open and loving heart, and you always get a lot out of the meaningful conversations you have with people who matter to you. The way that you help yourself when it comes to ‘moving on’ is by opening up to people that you trust and being vulnerable enough to ask for help when you feel overwhelmed by your emotions. Your conversations with loved ones always make you feel a lot better and a lot stronger.


    (July 23rd to August 22nd)

    You survive your broken heart by learning to let go of your desperate need for control. 

    Your sense of creativity and your strong work ethic are wonderful qualities about you, but sometimes, when these traits go a little too far, you can become somewhat controlling and overbearing. Because you are really talented at taking things into your own hands and making things happen, you really start to heal when you learn to take your desire for control and instead channel that energy towards taking care of yourself. Although it takes time, your heart starts to put itself back together when you stop trying to figure out what went wrong or how you could have changed it, and instead focus on how you can take care of yourself and how you can grow from this.


    (August 23rd to September 22nd)

    You survive your broken heart by learning how to handle your thoughts, instead of letting your thoughts handle you. 

    Your brain is your best friend and your worst enemy. It is the reason why you are so intelligent, analytical, and perceptive – but it is also the reason why you sometimes feel like you’re drowning in your own fears and worries and ‘what if’s.’ The hardest part of breakups for you is often the incessant, negative thoughts that creep up: what if they were the one and I blew it? what if I never find anyone as good as them? what if people judge me for being single? what if I end up alone for the rest of my life? The way you start to feel like yourself again is by learning to acknowledge the thoughts, let the fears and worries wash over you, and then remember that when it comes to your brain, you are ultimately the one in control. Learning to be conscious of – and in control of – your thoughts doesn’t happen in a day, but through constant efforts towards logical and mindful thinking, you allow yourself to feel more like ‘you’ again over time.


    (September 23rd to October 22nd)

    You survive your broken heart by letting yourself get to an emotionally deeper level with your loved ones. 

    You’ve never struggled with loneliness – at any given point you’re surrounded by a million friends and talking to a million different people. But sometimes, your easygoing and sociable nature actually makes it harder for you to go to that next level with people. And when you’re going through a breakup, that’s exactly what you need to do – to spend time being around and talking to the people that let you get to a vulnerable place and address all the heavy and ugly things you’re going through. The way that you heal your heart from a breakup is by seeking out the people who truly love you for you and by talking it out, slowly but surely, and remembering that as hard as it is, you will get through this, because you’re never alone.


    (October 23rd to November 22nd)

    You survive your broken heart by focusing on your own happiness instead of letting yourself obsess over how your ex is doing. 

    Your passion and your magnetism are some of your best qualities, but they can also lead you towards self-sabotage, especially when it comes to relationships and breakups. Instead of giving yourself space to heal, you tend to dig even deeper into your own wounds and force yourself to rehash all the hardest and most heartbreaking parts of the breakup. The way you start to move on from the person who crushed you is by ignoring your surface level desires (stalking their Instagram, texting them that you miss them, etc) and instead doing things that make you feel better in the long-term, like exercising, spending time with friends, and finding ways to work on yourself.


    (November 23rd to December 21st)

    You survive your broken heart by admitting to yourself that it’s okay not to be happy 24/7. 

    Most people think of you as the carefree, fun-loving, optimistic one. Those are wonderful qualities to be associated with, but it can be really difficult when you’re going through a breakup with someone. Because you think the happy-go-lucky attitude is what is constantly expected of you, you have a difficult time letting your guard down and being open when you’re having a rough go of it. So the way that you truly start to move on is when you admit to yourself that you’re allowed to be sad sometimes, and when you give yourself the time, space, and help that you need to deal with your own grief.


    (December 22nd to January 20th)

    You survive your broken heart by indulging your own ambitions, without letting your sense of practicality get the best of you. 

    Your desire for growth and success are surprisingly helpful when you’re brokenhearted, because it allows you to channel a lot of your energy into your work, your short-term and long-term goals, and current projects you are working on both in your career and in your personal life. But you only truly move on when you allow yourself to have a healthy dose of this while still accepting the fact that you are sad and grieving and that no amount of logic and practicality can sure you of that – because it just takes time.


    (January 21st to February 18th)

    You survive your broken heart by fully leaning into the pain. 

    Your sense of self-preservation is strong, but it can also get you in trouble when your instinct is to simply detach and disconnect from what you’re feeling, especially in the middle of a breakup. Rather than going your typical route of being unemotional and aloof (which only works short-term, if at all), you heal a lot faster from a breakup when you fully acknowledge and respond to what you’re going through, letting yourself feel the pain and swim through it instead of trying to climb over it.


    (February 19th to March 20th)

    You survive your broken heart by tackling your grief head-on instead of just hoping for the best. 

    There’s nothing wrong with having your head in the clouds – to a point. An optimistic and idealistic look on life can be refreshing and needed, when it’s at a healthy dose. But the way that you truly grow and ‘come back’ from heartache is from looking your breakup in the face and actively doing things that challenge you, take your mind off the other person, get you moving, and get you meeting new people. You end up healing a lot faster when you’re saying ‘yes’ to social invitations and signing up for fun events and exploring hobbies outside of work than you do when you just lay in your own misery and expect things to just ‘heal on their own.’

    (Kim Quindlen)

    The Sexiest Thing You Can Say To Each Zodiac Sign

    The Sexiest Thing You Can Say To Each Zodiac Sign

    Aries (March 21st – April 19th)

    “Let’s try something we’ve never done before.”

    Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)

    “I feel so taken care of by you.”

    Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)

    “I love every piece of you.”

    Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)

    “How about I give you a massage tonight?”

    Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

    “Everyone who meets you falls in love with you. It’s kind of amazing to witness.”

    Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)

    “I feel like just staying in this weekend and reading. You cool with that?”

    Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

    “I’m always on your team.”

    Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st)

    “Wanna get drunk and naked and watch Planet Earth together?”

    Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st )

    “I get excited just thinking about you.”

    Capricorn: (December 22nd – January 19th)

    “Anything I can do to relieve some of your stress?”

    Aquarius: (January 20th – February 18th)

    “Let’s get weird.”

    Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

    “I’ve got a concert ticket with your name on it.”

    (Kris Miller)

    How To Tell If a Capricorn Man Likes You

    How To Tell If a Capricorn Man Likes You

    (Photo/T-shirt design :: Petite Tiger Designs)

    Here are 6 signs that will help you to tell if your Capricorn man is just so into you:

    1. He's open to share his secrets with you

    He is very shy and rarely shows his deep emotions quickly. Don’t expect him to open his true self and secrets in public; however, when he shares a bit of his secrets with you, it’s surely a sign.

    2. He is possessive especially with the girl he feels interested

    Capricorn man proves to be very possessive especially in the person they are interested. He does not want anyone coming in the way; so, it’s easy to say possessiveness is the main sign telling a Capricorn wants a relationship with you.

    3. He will never commit stupid flirtations

    He will never commit stupid flirtations and waste his time uselessly. He does not easily fall love and has no belief in 'love at first sight’. He will only seek your attention, and patience is his best tool in developing a serious long term relationship.

    4. He is interested in becoming your close friend 

    Even if your Capricorn is in love, you may have to make the first move. Before he considers a romantic relationship with you, he will probably prefer becoming close friends first. This is his device to know you better before committing to you for life.

    5. He offers you coffee, dinner, or lunch

    He is a realistic guy who keeps adding fun and enjoyment in your life. If he constantly offers you coffee, dinner, or lunch, or even wants to go on a trip with you, then he is surely in love with you.

    6. He engages you in a discussion regarding your work and goals

    He consumes his business quite seriously and sees it as a crucial extension of who he is as individual. If he engages you in a discussion regarding your work and goals, you can tell he’s feeling a thing for you personally. He tends to look for a partner who shares the similar career outlook as he does. You are able to move closer to winning his heart if he discovers your work fascinating.

    Like all other things in life, a Capricorn man regards love seriously. He is neither a philanderer nor a player. True love is his poison and he is willing to wait patiently for as long as it may take. But once he finds it, he will work even harder to maintain it. He will either start planning for a happily ever after or move away in search of better pastures. There is no time to waste playing mind games. A Capricorn man in love is a closet romantic. He keeps it low and deep.

    (capricornmaninlove, newlovetimes, capricorntraits)